Saturday, April 17, 2010

Settling In

The weather here has been wonderful, by Irish standards certainly, but also by any standards. It hasn't rained since we arrived; most every day is about 60 degrees for a high and 50 for a low. I have been doing a lot of walking, to class, to the market, and to explore the area. There are some old ruined castles, monasteries, and other interesting things a short walk away. There also is a nearby short beach. The walking makes me feel good. The air is crisp and moist and it wonderfully fills the lungs on a morning walk.

Jim Snyder and I sat in on an Irish speaking class last Wednesday with the students. The students are counting, adding, figuring out Gallic Football scores, singing a song like one two buckle my shoe - except it's about pigs and hens, and learning local phrases and greetings. Of course, the students are picking it up with no problem, while the professors are struggling. When I was attempting to display my learning to the class, I basically called Jim Snyder a woman. The students roared. They knew my mistake.

Today the students and professors who are interested will be guests at a nearby horserace. I believe most of us will be going as the guests of the town mayor, city manager, local high school principal, and other dignitaries. They, of course, don't call themselves dignitaries, they, in true Irish manner call themselves public servants, but they are a dignified bunch to the students and I. Their warm hospitality has been amazing.

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