Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Old Blog - New Name - (A Resurrection of Sorts)


Ah.  Here it is. Wakey wakey old blog. I’m going to resurrect you.  Rise up and come forth old friend - it has been a few years. Sorry dear reader, but this old fellow traveler (a blog once called Irish Hurst), that at one point seemed vibrant and significant, was buried and hidden away.  Indeed, I thought it was lost forever.  And yet here it is. What once was lost is now found.  And by golly, I am here as well.  Now, is it possible that we can be made ready to continue our travels together?  Well, as you, dear reader, can see on your screen, the evidence is unrefutably clear.!  Amazing....... And, as this blog is reborn, I will christen it anew with a new name: Reed Roams.  And now that the blog is named and set, and now that I've got this silly intro done, let me re-introduce myself:

I’m Dr. Brian Reed. I’m the chair of the Department of English at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania. I’ve been at Mercyhurst for 22 years.  I’m currently teaching a class on African-American literature, a section of British Classics, a film class called Literary Hitchcock, and this class called Fiction of Capital Cities: Edinburgh, London, and Dublin. It is this class that has inspired me to blog again.  I do wish we had just called this class Capital Fictions because I think there is some wordplay in that title, as in “by golly, these novels are capital!”  I hope this blog is "capital." 

This blog will reflect on a study abroad experience with students to the capital cities of Dublin, Edinburgh, and London.  I’m delighted to be going on this trip.  There is much to look forward to. Here, I'll reflect on some of the reading we are doing for class and ponder what we might experience across the pond. 

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